
To stimulate young talent within the Amsterdam institute for Immunology and Infectious diseases (AI&I) to attend an international scientific conference important within the field of Immunology and Infectious diseases to actively build their CV and network while also creating international exposure forAI&I.

Target group

PhD students of AI&I.

What can be applied for

A travel grant of 500 euro.

This budget can be used as a contribution to attend a conference (conference fee) and for the costs of travel and subsistence. This travel grant is intended to (partially) cover the remaing costs you personally made for travel, hotel and the conference. Hence we expect you to claim the amount directly to your personal account including proof of payment from your personal account.

Eligibility criteria

  • The applicant must be a PhD student embedded in at least one of the programs of AI&I.
  • The PhD student should have an accepted abstract for the designated conference, with the opportunity to present a poster or give a oral presentation to which the AI&I logo should be added.
  • Applications should be submitted at least 1 month prior to the start of the conference.
  • Only completed application forms are eligible for evaluation.
  • After obtaining the travel grant, PhD students are not eligible for subsequent travel grant calls of AI&I.

Evaluation criteria

The AI&I talent development committee will evaluate the applications for travel grants based on the indicated evaluation criteria, the quality of the meeting, the
motivation to participate and the relevance to your research field. Applications will be evaluated throughout the year and applicants will be informed about the result of their application within a month.

Application procedure

Send the completed application form (PDF-file) together with your CV to:

Requirements after obtaining the AI&I Travel Grant

  • Include the AI&I logo in your poster or presentation and mention the grant in the acknowledgements
  • Refer to Amsterdam institute for Immunology and Infectious Diseases when communicating about this grant, e.g. in the (social-) media
  • Send a completed claim form with the original tickets and receipts attached to reimburse you on your personal account to AII grants. In case of digital payments, send an attached bank statement of the payment, clearly showing your name and address. We will send your claim form to the AMR.
  • Send us a picture of you in front of your poster at the meeting or a picture of you presenting your research
  • If not in the picture send us the pdf of your poster or presentation with the AI&I logo
