The Infectious diseases program is one of the most extensive programs in the Netherlands in its kind, encompassing fundamental, clinical, psychosocial, and epidemiological research across various infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are a major global issue, causing significant morbidity and mortality and accounting for a quarter of the world's annual deaths. This results in considerable medical, societal and economic impact. Collaborating with strategic partners (SHM, AIGHD, GGD and Sanquin), the AI&I Infectious diseases program plays a key role in addressing these challenges. With our program we support a vibrant research community that integrates fundamental, clinical, and public health research on infectious diseases.

Advancing the understanding of infectious diseases through fundamental, clinical, and public health research, to reduce the global burden of illness and improve public health for future generations.


With a commitment to excellence in patient care, cutting-edge research, and policy influence, our aim is to significantly reducethe impact of infectious diseases on individual and population health, both locally and globally.

Organizational structure of the Infectious diseases program

At the core of our program lies a matrix framework designed to optimize research focus, capitalize on strengths, and foster interdisciplinary collaboration. This framework includes four overarching themes and seven specific topics, guiding our efforts to tackle the multifaceted challenges posed by infectious diseases.


I. Host-Microbe Interaction

This theme explores the intricate interplay between hosts and microbial pathogens, unraveling the mechanisms underlying disease transmission, virulence, and immune responses.

II. Public & Global Health

With a focus on population-level health outcomes, this theme examines the epidemiology of infectious diseases, their societal impact, and strategies for prevention and control on a global scale.

III. Diagnostics & Therapeutics

Here, our research delves into the development and optimization of diagnostic tools, biomarkers, therapeutic interventions, and treatment strategies aimed at combating infectious diseases.

IV. Vaccines & Other Preventive Strategies

This theme explores innovative approaches to vaccination, immunization strategies, and other preventive measures to mitigate the spread and impact of infectious diseases.


Each of these overarching themes is linked to seven specific topics.

  1. Sepsis & complex bacterial infections
  2. Respiratory infections
  3. Neurological infections
  4. Vector-borne & Tropical infections
  5. HIV, viral hepatitis & STI’s
  6. Antimicrobial resistance
  7. Post-acute infection syndromes

This collaborative framework serves as the cornerstone of our program, empowering us to address a wide spectrum of infectious disease challenges while fostering a vibrant and dynamic research community. By leveraging our collective expertise and resources, we aim to make a lasting impact in reducing the burden of infectious diseases and advancing the frontiers of scientific knowledge. Together, we are dedicated to address the most pressing global health threats of our time.

Portrait Joost Wiersinga Photography: Elmer Bets

Embracing change is the first step towards progress. As we navigate through the transformation of AI&I's infectious diseases program, I am confident that our collective efforts will propel us towards a future where we can make groundbreaking discoveries and positively impact global health.
Prof. dr. Joost Wiersinga
Head of the Amsterdam UMC section of infectious diseases and board member of the Infectious diseases program of AI&I

Board members Infectious diseases

Theme leaders

Host-microbe Interactions
Public & Global Health
Diagnostics & Therapeutics
Vaccines & other Preventive Strategies

Topic leaders

Sepsis & complex bacterial infections

Respiratory infections

Neurological infections

Vector-borne & Tropical infections

HIV, Viral hepatitis & STI's

Antimicrobial resistance

Post-acute infection syndromes

Program members