8th AMS Annual Research Meeting
You are warmly invited to the 8th AMS Annual Research Meeting to be held on March 27, 2025 at KIT Amsterdam. It's THE annual research event centered on the theme of Movement! This gathering welcomes all AMS members and their guests. Don’t miss out!
We are extremely proud to present the keynote speakers:
- Professor dr. Floor Hettinga, MSc, MBA, PHD, FBASES, FECSS, FACSM, SFHEA. Head of Department of Human Movement Sciences, Faculty of Behavioural and Human Movement Sciences, VU Amsterdam. Professor Hettinga's keynote is titled: The science behind pacing and exercise regulation: Applications in competitive sport, but also they key to enhance exercise motivation in recreational and clinical settings.
- Professor dr. Job Doornberg, professor of Orthopedics, UMCG, Chair of the AI Think Tank UMCG and expert Clinical Application of AI at the dTA Science Center if Health (DASH). Professor Doornberg's talk is titled The Why of AI? - Human- and machine intelligence may amplify!
- Please find the abstracts of both professor Doornberg's and professor Hettinga's talks below.
In addition to the excellent speakers, we are excited to announce several calls for participation. Note the various deadlines and scroll through the rules and regulations governing the awards, you will find them below.
Calls for participation
- Call for Outstanding Papers in the following categories (Deadline of February 16, 2025).
- Fundamental Science
- Clinical Science
- Sports & Health Science - Call for Abstracts for Poster Sessions: Researchers are encouraged to submit abstracts in the categories Fundamental Science / Clinical Science / Sports and Health Science. The abstracts will be judged by a separate committee, and selected abstracts will be invited to pitch to the general audience from the main stage. (Abstract submission deadline January 31, 2025). See also the abstract sample below.
- Call for Nominations for the Societal Impact Award: We welcome nominations for this award which recognizes significant contributions to society by both senior and junior AMS members. (Deadline February 16, 2025).
The event promises to be an enriching experience, featuring outstanding keynote speakers both from within our own ranks and beyond. There will be excellent networking opportunities and workshops designed to enhance your skills in a variety of topics. Registration will open in the new year, keep an eye on this page!
Professor dr. Floor Hettinga - The science behind pacing and exercise regulation: Applications in competitive sport, but also the key to enhance exercise motivation in recreational and clinical settings
When thinking about energy regulation and pacing, most people think of sport, optimal performance, and how to optimally distribute energy to get to the finish line as fast as possible. Indeed, optimal pacing is crucial in middle distance and endurance sport. In particular the interplay between internal factors such as fatigue and external factors such as the tactical considerations & motivations related to other exercisers have been interesting facets to study in exercise-related decision-making. I will overview some of my work in this area, and highlight applications in (disability) sport, competition, youth athletes, recreational exercise, and clinical settings.
About the speaker: Floor Hettinga MSc, MBA, PhD, FBASES, FECSS, FACSM, SFHEA Is head of the department of Human Movement Sciences at the Faculty of Behavioural and Human Movement Sciences, VU Amsterdam. Before her appointment at VU Amsterdam she was professor at Northumbria University in the UK, at the department of Sport, Exercise & Rehabilitation. Floor got her PhD on Optimal pacing strategy in competitive athletic performance in 2008, and publishes on health across the life span.
Professor dr. Job Doornberg - The Why of AI? - Human- and machine intelligence may amplify!
Clinical applications of AI (Artificial Intelligence) have great potential: Computer vision models (Convolutional Neural Networks - CNNs) automatically detect disease on imaging, and Machine Learning (ML)-driven probability calculators help to predict patients’ outcomes. CNNs and ML may overcome human biases, and hold the promise to make our shared decision-making smarter. Moreover, applications of Generative Ai have the potential to reduce our administrative burden. Less typing and more time for patients may increase the appeal of healthcare as a fun profession: no more key boards!
How? – From scientific algorithm development to patient care
Only 2% of AI applications published in peer review translate to clinical practice. 98% ends in the through of disillusionment (aka the valley of death). One could argue that Ai in Healthcare is a Hype.
What? – Clinical examples of AI to illustrate great potential ánd challenges
About the speaker: Job Doornberg is an Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon by trade, and holds his Professorship “Clinical Applications of AI” as his Scientific Hobby. In his Key Note lecture, he will address Hype and Hope of AI: the storyline follows practical clinical examples of Ai applications to illustrate the great potential, as well as challenges that hinder clinical implementation of Ai. After Job’s Key Note, you will be able to critically assess the storm of Clinical Applications of AI that is coming your way.
- Research Integrity;
- Bayesian statistics (introduction to);
- Media training for scientists;
- Sustainability in Research;
- AI Consultancy for Research Problems;
- Valorisation / Marketing your research.
You will find detailed workshop information here.
Registation is open via this link.