Theme Decision making and multimodal integration in motor control
Language English


Speaker: Dr. Leonie Oostwoud Wijdenes

Bio: Leonie has a BSc and MSc degree in Human Movement Sciences of the VU University Amsterdam and obtained her PhD in the lab of Jeroen Smeets at the same university, investigating the control of adjustments to ongoing movements. After that, she took up a post-doctoral position with Paul Bays at the Institute of Neurology; University College London, where she worked on resource models for visual working memory and movement planning. She returned to the Netherlands for a postdoc with Pieter Medendorp at the Donders, Radboud University Nijmegen, where she investigated the role of vestibular information in the control of ongoing movements. In 2021 she was appointed as assistant professor at the same lab.

Abstract: This talk will discuss the planning and online control of reaching movements. Research questions related to resource competition and the role of time during movement preparation, and when and how information from multiple modalities is integrated for planning and online control will be addressed. The work presents experimental findings on human participants using behavioural paradigms in combination with TMS and EEG to understand more about how movements are controlled.

After the colloquium, there will be a nice drink to chat!

Date and Location

Start date Thursday, June 15, 2023
Location MF Building, room D565 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Costs and registration

No registration needed


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