Theme Understanding resilience and growth from a dynamical perspective
Language English



Over the past two decades, the topic of resilience has been a major focus of the psychological literature. However, the increasing number of conceptualizations, definitions, and approaches have clouded our understanding of what resilience is and what it is not. Using a dynamical systems approach, I will disentangle the three most common conceptualizations of resilience: resistance, bouncing back, and growth. Following this approach, I will discuss theoretical and empirical approaches to assess person-specific changes in resilience to prevent negative shifts in wellbeing and performance as well as how we can stimulate growth to enhance resilience.

Drinks and chat afterwards!

About the speaker:

Yannick completed a Bachelor (2012-2015) and Master (2015-2016) in Psychology before entering the PhD program at the Department of Developmental Psychology, all at the University of Groningen. During the PhD, he built his main line of research on resilience and stress-related growth in sports. Taking on a dynamical systems perspective, his work integrates approaches from various fields, such as physics and biology. Following his graduation in 2020, Yannick took on part-time positions as a lecturer in Developmental Psychology, researcher in Human Movement Sciences, and research coordinator at Sport Science & Innovation Groningen. In 2021, he moved to Heidelberg University to pursue a postdoc in Performance Psychology. Finally, he joined our department in September 2022 as an assistant professor for Sports & Performance Psychology. Next to his main duties, he is also involved with the Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience (University of Colorado at Colorado Springs) as a research affiliate and with the Instituut voor Sport- en PrestatiePsychologie (Groningen) as a board member.

Key publications:

Hill, Y., Den Hartigh, R. J. R., Meijer, R. R., De Jonge, P., & Van Yperen, N. W. (2018). Resilience in sports from a dynamical perspective. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 7(4), 333–341.

Hill, Y., Kiefer, A. W., Silva, P. L., Van Yperen, N. W., Meijer, R. R., & Den Hartigh, R. J. R. (2020). Antifragility in climbing: Determining optimal stress loads for athletic performance training. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 272.

Den Hartigh, R. J., & Hill, Y. (2022). Conceptualizing and measuring psychological resilience: What can we learn from physics?. New Ideas in Psychology, 66, 100934.

Date and Location

Start date Thursday, May 11, 2023
Location online Zoom meeting
Location Medical Faculty - MF -D565 | VU Amsterdam

Meeting ID: 942 8246 2535
Passcode: 115452

Costs and registration

No costs

No registration needed


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