Theme Musculoskeletal Health
Target audience Interested researchers
Language English


Speaker 1: Margreth Grotle (12.00-12.30)

Title: Applying Artificial Intelligence in Developing Personalized and Sustainable Healthcare for Spinal Disorders (AID-Spine) (2022-2024); presentation of the project and some preliminary results

Biosketch: Prof Margreth Grotle is appointed professor of Physiotherapy at the Oslo Metropolitan University and at the Research and Communication Unit for Musculoskeletal Disorders, at Oslo University Hospital. Since 2013 she has been head of the Master Programme in Physiotherapy at OsloMet and established a research group on Musculoskeletal Health (the MUSK Health research group) in 2015 ( The research group has further developed and in 2021 Grotle was appointed to lead a Centre for Musculoskeletal health at OsloMet ( CIM is a collaboration between musculoskeletal health researchers and computer scientist and aims to develop innovative health interventions by applying Artificial Intelligence.

Speaker 2: Pieter Coenen (12.30-13.00)

Title: The slow de-implementation of non-evidence-based low-back pain treatments

Biosketch: Pieter Coenen is senior researcher at the department of Public and Occupational Health of the Amsterdam UMC. He has a background in human movement sciences and a PhD on the topic of physical work demands and low-back pain. Currently his main topic of research is occupational health in general, with a special interest in musculoskeletal health and physically demanding work in particular.

Date and Location

Time From 12:00 to 13:00
Start date Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Location online Zoom link
Location Room: H171 | MF building | VU campus (Hybrid meeting: see teams link above)

Meeting ID: 367 546 702 71 Passcode: vytumj