Theme Skeletal Muscle: from patient to cell
Target audience All AMS members are welcome to join
Language English


You are warmly invited to join this meeting on Skeletal Muscle which should be of interest to a large group of AMS researchers.


  • 16:00-16:20: Anne van der Made – Treatment of hamstring injury: the good, the bad, & the ugly
  • 16:20-16:40: Joep Suskens – Preventive exercises as group therapy for the hamstring muscles: it takes three to tango
  • 16:50-17:10: Guido Geusebroek – Differential impact of constant force and constant length muscle stretching for treating contractures
  • 17:10-17:30: Richard Jaspers – The role of mechanical loading on muscle regeneration: A molecular perspective
  • Followed by drinks.

Date and Location

Time From 16:00 to 17:30 (followed by drinks)
Start date Thursday, February 22, 2024
Location Room 01W-08 | O2 Building | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Costs and registration

Free of charge, no advance registration.
