Theme Workshop: Impact and Valorisation of your research
Language English


In this event you will be introduced to the principles of valorisation of your research results and you will hear the success stories of societal impact of  two researchers. 

Speakers: dr. Leendert Blankevoort, dr. Melvyn Roerdink, dr. Berno Bucker and Alba Herranz

About Leendert Blankevoort:

Dr. Leendert Blankevoort is associate Professor at Amsterdam UMC and a researcher in the programs of Sports and Musculoskeletal Health. He is specialized in Orthopaedic Surgery and the focus of his research is the basic aspects of diagnosis and treatment of joint disorders.

About Melvyn Roerdink:

Dr. Melvyn Roerdink is an associate professor at the Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and a researcher at AMS- Rehabilitation and Development and IBBA. The focus of his research is on Gait-environment interactions and Visual Computing. Melvyn has a strong drive in academic entrepreneurship and creating impact.

About Berno Bucker:

Dr. Berno Bucker is Business Developer at VU IXA-GO and has broad experience in valorisation of technology and societal impact.

About Alba Herranz:

Alba Herranz de la Nava is Business Developer at IXA-GO, dedicated to AMS and the faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences.


Date and Location

Time From 12:00 to 13:30
Start date Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Location NU Building, room 3A57, VU campus

Costs and registration

Click here to register now!

This advance registration is free of charge.

Lunch is included!

