Hypertrophic scars (HT scars) often develop after closure of full-thickness wounds where adipose tissue is exposed. Current research lacks physiologically relevant human models for studying HT scar pathogenesis and testing treatments. Animal models differ significantly from human wound healing. Previous studies from SkinLab MCBI using reconstructed human skin (RhS) with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs)1 and monocytes2 show partial HT scar characteristics, and typically use single animal-derived extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins like collagen. Therefore, developing a human HT scar model that mimics interactions between both cell phenotypes and the ECM environment is urgently needed to improve understanding and treatment of HT scars.
This project aims to develop a human adipose tissue ECM-derived hydrogel and evaluate its use as a dermal scar matrix for constructing human HT scar models.
Starter Grant in Amsterdam UMC
The Starter Grant is an instrument set out in the Netherlands in 2022. The aim is to improve continuity of research lines, reduce workload and create space for unbound research. Starter Grants are meant for recently appointed UDs to provide a foundation for their research lines. The maximum amount per Starter Grant is € 150,000 in Amsterdam UMC, and the duration is 6 years.