Connecting the people, the science and the brain

The Amsterdam Neuroscience research institute performs integrated basic, translational and clinical research in order to improve our understanding of the human brain and nervous system in health and disease. Researchers and clinicians from different institutes in Amsterdam collaborate to strengthen the scientific excellence in this area, making Amsterdam Neuroscience one of the largest neuroscience communities in Europe.

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  • ERC Starting grant for Max Koppers
    ERC Starting grant for Max Koppers Max Koppers, Assistant Professor at Functional Genomics Department at the Center of Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, was awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for his research on the regulation of protein production in neurons.

Join this institute

You are a student or researcher in the field of neuroscience
You are affiliated with Amsterdam UMC, VU Amsterdam or UvA
Your project fits within one of the nine AN research programs

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  • Research programs
    Research programs Amsterdam Neuroscience aims to strengthen collaborations between investigators by focusing its research strategy on nine research programs.
  • Annual Magazine
    Annual Magazine We present the Amsterdam Neuroscience MAGAZINE 2022 covering the overarching theme: the science of individuality. Dive into the individuality in biology, research & treatment.
  • Industry
    Industry The Industry Alliance Office (IAO) acting on behalf of Amsterdam Neuroscience is a one-stop-shop for the pharma- and biotech industry for basic and translational neuroscience and for clinical trials.

Amsterdam UMC is hiring

We are always on the lookout for talented and passionate people to join our growing team. You will have the opportunity to develop any aspects you are interested in.

See all our vacancies (in Dutch):

Amsterdam UMC is hiring