During the EPNS Glasgow Congress professor Marjo van der Knaap has been awarded the Aicardi Award as a world-leading expert on white matter disorders and pattern recognition in leukodystrophies.
Role model
Through her clinical acumen, attention to detail, and generosity of spirit Professor Marjo van der Knaap has identified many new diseases, their genetic basis, and their potential treatments. She is an inspiring role model who has shown great dedication in training young pediatric neurologists. In 2000 Van der Knaap founded the Amsterdam Leukodystrophy Center at Amsterdam UMC, where patient care is combined with fundamental, translational, and clinical research.
Aicardi award
In recognition of our honorary EPNS member and internationally renowned French child neurologist, Professor Jean Aicardi (1926-2015), the EPNS in partnership with MacKeith Press, has established a series of award lectures. The biennial award recognizes a respected and admired doctor who has attained major achievements in child neurology. Recipients of the award must practice in Europe using the countries in the WHO European region. The award presentation and lecture take place at the EPNS Congress which is held every two years.
Both the EPNS and Amsterdam Neuroscience are delighted to congratulate Professor van der Knaap.
Source: European Pediatric Neurology Society
Read more about the Amsterdam Leukodystrophy Center in the Dutch article 'Samen met patiënten strijden tegen erfelijke leukodystrofieën'.