Since February 24, RIVM and Nivel have jointly investigated how people in the Netherlands experience the corona crisis.

They study if people want more information, how concerned people are about their health and the health of their families, and their risk perception of contracting COVID-19 and how they feel about the measures taken by the national government. Prelimenary results show that during the crisis, people have become more worried about their own health and the health of their family. Moreover, the need for information has changed in the last months as it has become less. The trust in the information provided by the RIVM and the measures of the government is large and did not change over time (80-85%).

Read full article in Dutch

Questions? Please contact: Danielle Timmermans

This is an initiative taken by APH researchers as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. If you have an initiative to be listed as well, please email us:

See all APH COVID-19 initiatives