Program support: Kim Francken
We develop and evaluate methods for public health, healthcare and biomedical research
Mission and goals
The Methodology program aims to develop and evaluate methods for public health, healthcare and biomedical research. Methods should be considered broadly and include amongst others statistical techniques, theories, instruments, and frameworks. Our projects cover methods in epidemiology, biostatistics, mathematical modelling, (bio)informatics, artificial intelligence, clinimetrics, and psychometrics. Our research is dedicated to our understanding of methods, which means that it overarches research fields, patient groups and geographical regions.
The methodology program promotes and supports methodological research by bringing together methodologists from Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit and University of Amsterdam, and is strongly connected with other research programs within APH. External partners include domain experts (e.g. clinicians, biologists) from APH, and other research institutes within and outside Amsterdam.
Program leaders
Research themes
Development of methods
This theme is dedicated to the development of new research methods, the application of existing methods to new fields, and supporting researchers in applying these methods.
Evaluation of existing and new methods
In this theme the impact of different methods and choices on the outcomes of a study, as well as the performance of the methods is evaluated.
Research on research
The third theme of the Methodology reseach program concerns research on research, which varies from research into the reporting of scientific results and research into research integrity.
The Methodology program organizes monthly tutorials in which methodological experts of different backgrounds share their knowledge on a topic of choice.
All APH (methodology) researchers are cordially invited to attend these gatherings. If you are not an APH researcher, but you would like to attend a specific tutorial, please send an email to: The latest information about schedulded Methodology tutorials can be found on the Events page. PhD candidates can earn 1 EC for attending minimal 4 tutorials (including the time of preparation).
Senior program council
The program leaders of the Methodology research program chair the Meth Senior program council. This senior program council consist of a selection of senior researchers of the research program who meet regularly to implement or update the research program-specific strategy and to discuss anticipatory or reactive response to external events.
Senior program council members | |
Iacopo Vagliano | Martijn Schut |
Barbara Groot-Sluijsmans | Wessel van Wieringen |
Wieneke Mokkink |
Junior program council
The Methodology research program has installed a Meth Junior program council that provides program leaders with solicited and unsolicited advice and helps them with the organization of research program-specific activities or events.
Junior program council members | |
Stefanie Branquinho da Costa | Daniel Fernandez-Llaneza |
Nishant Mishra |
Research program members
Aafke Bruinsma
Aafke Creemers
Adriaan HoogendoornDR.
Agni Baka
Aldo JongejanPhD
Amber van der HeijdenPhD
Ameen Abu HannaPI Prof. PhD
Amrah Ysette Schotanus
Amy MatserPI PhD
Anastasia DraismaDR.
Angela Bosma
Angela Jornada Ben
Angélique Cramer
Anita RavelliMEng PhD
Anne Timmermans
Anne Wajja
Anneke KramerPhD
Annelinde Lettink
Antoine van KampenDR.IR.
Antoine van Kampenprof. dr. prof. dr.
Ardine de Wit
Arno Colenbrander
Astrid Kramer
Athanasios Angelakis
Axel PetzoldDR.
Ba Da YangMD
Barbara Groot-Sluijsmans
Barbara SnoekerMSc
Barbera van Schaik
Birgit Damoiseaux - VolmanMSc
Birgit Lissenberg-WitteDR.
Birgit SollieDR.
Bob van den Meiracker
Bram Hoogerheide
Camila Olarte Parra
Carmen Byrne Salsas
Carol RemmePI PhD
Caroline TerweePI PROF.DR.
Ceciel Pauls
Chris van Klaveren
Clara Miguel Sanz
Claudia Kowalik
Conor Dolanprof.dr.
Corianne de Borgie
Costa BachasDR.IR. PhD
Damir Ivankovic
Danial Lashgari
Daria Balashova
David DoylePI DR.
David Leitritz
Dewi van Harskamp
Dirk Pelt
Dorien van der WindenMSc
Dorret Boomsma
Eddymurphy Akwiwu
Edo RichardPhD
Elena Merino Tejero
Ellen Elsman - PerlotDR.
Ellen Ricke
Emma BoumanMSc.
Emmanuel Bache
Eric BakkerPhD
Erik JoukesPhD
Erik van Werkhoven
Esmé Kamphuis
Esmee Kreuk
Esmee TensenMSc
Fabian TermorshuizenPhD
Fenne Wouters
Fenneke BlomDR.
Ferishta RaiezPhD
Floris Huider
Francine van WifferenMSC.
Franciscus GintingMD
Frank van LethPI
Fred VazPI PhD
Frederik HermansMD MSc PhD
Gaby LunanskyDR.
Gayle van der Kraaij
Gerard Burger
Giovanni Cinàdr.
Gowri GopalakrishnaDR.
Han TanPI PhD
Hana Marie BroulikovaMSc
Hanneke van der LeeMD PhD
Hanneke van DongenMSC.
Hans BerkhofPI PROF.DR.
Hans BogaardsPI DR.
Hatem Al FarraMD MSc
Henrike Galenkamp
Henrike Galenkamp - van der PloegPhD
Henry de VriesPI Prof. MD PhD
Iacer Coimbra Alves Cavalcanti Calixto
Iacopo Vagliano
Ilse Luirink
Irene KuipersMD PhD
Irene van ValkengoedPI PhD
Iris Dijksma
Iris EekhoutDR.
Iris Montez de Sousa
Izak de KomMSc
Jan Hendrik LeopoldPhD
Jan Pieter MarchalPhD
Janet Vroomen - MacNeilPI
Janique Oudbier
Jeanet KarchoudMSc
Jeanine Suurmond
Jelle Bousema
Jenny Lee
Jeroen Goedhart
Jeroen Hoogland
Jeroen KraakDRS.
Jeroen LakerveldPI DR.
Jimmy Schenk
Jolanda MaaskantPhD
Jonas Esser
Jos TwiskPI PROF.DR.
Judith BosmansDRS.
Judith RijnhartMSC. PhD
Judith Rikken
Judith ter SchureDR.
Julia KowalskaMSC.
Jürgen Claesen
Karien StronksPI Prof. PhD
Katja van den HurkPI DR.
Katrina MessihaMarie Skłodowska–Curie PhD fellow
Kelsi Kroon
Koos ZwindermanPI Prof. PhD
Laura BelmonMSC.
Leah WilkMSc
Lieke KooijMSc
Louise GerbensPhD
Lucas Ramos
Lukas StalpersPI Prof. PhD
Maarten BoersPI PROF.DR.
Maarten Schim van der LoeffPI MD PhD
Madeleine Vader
Madelon van WelyPI PhD
Mai Chin A PawPI PROF.DR.
Malon van den HofMD
Marcel DijkgraafPI Prof. PhD
Margarita RavinskayaMSc
Marianne Mak-van der VossenDR. DR.
Marie-José BlomPhD
Marieke Sijm
Marieke ter WeeMSC. PhD
Marije te Winkel
Mariska LeeflangDR.
Mariska LeeflangPI PhD
Marit van Barreveld
Maritza Middelkamp HupMD PhD
Marjan Molemans
Marjolein BonthuisPhD
Marjolein GreuterPhD
Mark van de WielPI PROF.DR.
Mark-Bram BoumanPROF.DR.
Marleen VallingaMSC.
Martijn HeijmansPI DR.
Martijn KerslootPhD
Martijn van OijenPI PhD
Martijn Vink
Martinus SchutPhD
Maruschka Merkus
Mary NicolaouPhD
Mathilde VerdamPhD
Matteo Amestoy
Matthan CaanMEng PhD
Matthan CaanMEng PhD
Maurice Aaldersprof. dr.
Maurits van TulderPROF.DR.
Mees van Zijverden
Meredith OvermanMSC.
Michael TanckMEng PhD
Michel HofMSc
Michel Hof
Michel NivardDr.
Michiel LuijtenMSC.
Michiel OosterveldDR.
Minne BakkerDR.
Miranda LangendamPI PhD
Miriam Douma
Mirte KuipersPI PhD
Mirthe MuilwijkPhD.
ML Pras-Raves
Muhau Mungamba
Myrthe de Laat
Nicholas ChesnayePhD
Niels Bal
Nihad Achetib
Nirupama Benis
Noekie van LieshoutMSc
Noman Dormosh
Noreen Siddiqui
Nuria Senar Villadeamigo
Nuria Senar Villadeamigo
Nynke Swart
Parvin Tajik
Patrick BossuytPI Prof. PhD
Perry MoerlandMEng PhD
Perry MoerlandDR.IR.
Peter HarmsMSc
Philip van DammeBSc
Phyllis SpulsPI Prof. PhD
Puck Pelzer
R. Spijker
Rashmi KusurkarPROF.DR. Dr.
Riekie de VetPI PROF.DR.IR.
Rik van EekelenDR.
Rob VerhoevenPI PhD
Robin Tan
Rodrigo Garcia Valiente
Ronald CornetPI MSc PhD
Ronald Marinus Cornelis HeringsPROF.DR.
Rose-Marie DroesPI PROF.DR.
Rowdy de Groot
Ruben Duijnhoven
Sabine HermansPI MD MSc PhD
Sagar Simha
Sander Begeer
Sander Garrelfs
Sandra Simons
Sandra ZwolsmanPhD
Sara-Joan Pinto - SietsmaPI PhD
Savannah Glaser
Sebastian van der Voort
Sharon RemmelzwaalDR.
Shuxin ZhangMSc
Sidney Rubinstein
Sofia Valente Cardoso Dias Carvalho Pais Silva
Sophie Campman
Sophie Horbach
Stephanie MedlockDVM PhD
Stephanie Meirmans
Stéphanie van der PasPI DR.
Susan van Dieren
Susanne Bruins
Susanne ClaessenDRS.
Sylvia BrinkmanPhD
Taetske AltenburgPI DR. Associate professor
Tanja VrijkottePI PhD
Tara BouteMSC.
Thomas KlauschDR.
Thomas Sollie
Tinka BakkerMSc
Tom Tervoort
Trynke Hoekstra
Tsvetan Yordanov
Umesh NandalMSc
Utkarsh Mahamune
Veerle CoupéPI PROF.DR.