• AR&D Lunch Talk Meeting: twinning and its implications for fertility
    AR&D Lunch Talk Meeting: twinning and its implications for fertility Join us for an engaging lunch talk on “Twinning and its Implications for Fertility”. This event is part of the international Twinning Genetics Consortium Meeting and features a series of presentations from leading experts in the field of twinning and fertility.
  • Vote for the Amsterdam UMC Societal Impact Award 2024
    Vote for the Amsterdam UMC Societal Impact Award 2024 We are pleased to invite you to the opportunity to vote for this year’s Amsterdam UMC Societal Impact Award. Societal impact is becoming more and more important for research and to highlight its significance, Amsterdam UMC grants a Societal Impact Award each year. Which researcher had the most societal impact in the last year?
  • AR&D Sustainability Grant - Winners
    AR&D Sustainability Grant - Winners This year, the AR&D Sustainability Grant was introduced, announced during the AR&D Symposium on May 23, where sustainability was the central theme. The grant aims to encourage researchers to incorporate sustainable practices into their work and travels, ensuring that healthcare research remains innovative and environmentally responsible.

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