Amsterdam Reproduction & Development
Heleen Schuster Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D) Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam institute for Immunology and Infectious diseases Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School Other Academic Staff, Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention
Annika Semmler Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D)
Sintha Sie DRS. Medical Specialist, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D) Medical Specialist, Pediatrics
Nadia van Silfhout Other Academic Staff, APH - Mental Health Other Academic Staff, APH - Personalized Medicine Affiliatie UvA Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D) Standard PhD Candidate, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Psychosocial Care Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School Other Academic Staff, General Pediatrics
Mariana E Silva de Oliveira Nery APH - Digital Health APH - Mental Health Affiliatie UvA Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D) Standard PhD Candidate, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Psychosocial Care Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School Other Academic Staff, Pediatric Hematology
Erik Sistermans PROF.DR. Other Academic Staff, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D) Full Professor, CCA - Imaging and biomarkers Full Professor, Human geneticsPI
Doris Skoric - Milosavljevic Standard PhD Candidate, ACS - Heart Failure & Arrhythmias Standard PhD Candidate, ACS - Pulmonary hypertension & thrombosis Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D) Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School Other Academic Staff, Human genetics
Liesbeth van der Sluijs Veer PhD Medical Specialist, APH - Mental Health Affiliatie UvA Medical Specialist, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D) Medical Specialist, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Psychosocial Care
Anne Smets MD Affiliatie UvA Medical Specialist, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism Medical Specialist, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D) Medical Specialist, CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life Medical Specialist, CCA - Imaging and biomarkers Medical Specialist, Radiology and nuclear medicine
Maddy Smies Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D) Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School