Target audience Master, PhD students and Early Stage Researchers
Language English


This unique Advanced Course will combine the establishment of adult stem cells derived organoids with learning how to set them up on organs-on-chip systems.
Participants will acquire the following skills:
 - establish and maintain cultures of intestinal, gastric and lung organoids;
 - learn how to design and plan experiments using organoids;
 - learn how to choose, set up and work with organs on chips;
 - prepare organoids samples for histological analysis;
 - analyze practical outcomes of their cultures by imaging techniques (brightfield and confocal microscopy).

Date and Location

Start date Monday, November 21, 2022
Location Porto
21-25 November 2022

Costs and registration

i3S members: 325€
UP members: 375€
External participants - Academy: 400€
External participants - Companies: 500€


Advanced Training Unit | e-mail: | tel: +351 226 074 900