Theme Oncology
Target audience OOA PhD students
Language English


We are pleased to invite you to the Basic Oncology course! Last year the course was completely on-site after two hybrid COVID editions and we are happy that this year’s edition will be on-site as well!  The registered PhD students will receive detailed information about the course and the definitive format as soon as possible.

This 5-day course provides you a broad overview of oncology-related topics, with an emphasis on recent advances and issues that are relevant to the pathogenesis and treatment of cancer. The course is designed for all OOA PhD students, but it is recommended to join our course during your first or second year, to make sure that you have a solid base in oncology already at an early stage of your PhD trajectory.

The course includes lectures by experts in the field, workgroups and (homework) assignments.

Topics covered include:
– Cancer Biology
– Imaging
– Cancer Immunology
– Clinical Therapy
– Target and Therapy Discovery
– Computational Cancer Biology 
– Biomarkers
– Supportive care 

Date and Location

Time From 9:00 to 17:00
Start date Monday, May 22, 2023
Location VU campus

Costs and registration

Costs: Free of charge

Registration: OOA webiste.

Registration deadline: April 10th


Evelien Bos (