Theme OOA
Target audience PhD students
Language English


After three years of cancellations due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the associated guidelines, we are happy to announce that our annual OOA retreat will resume its famous long-standing tradition in 2023!

The OOA organizes a three-day retreat for all PhD students participating in the OOA (NKI-AvL and Amsterdam UMC, location AMC & VUmc). The retreat focuses entirely on research conducted by you and your fellow PhD students, either presented in a poster (juniors) or in a 12-minute oral presentation (seniors) in parallel sessions chaired by senior PhD students. The retreat offers an unique opportunity to get in touch with all aspects of oncological research, from basic molecular biology and applied physics to clinical trials and quality of life research. Furthermore, the retreat trains important skills in presentation, moderating sessions and discussions and networking. The OOA retreat greatly contributes to the interaction between PhD students, both within and between the different participating institutes. An overview outlining the research activities of all participating students will be distributed.

Date and Location

Start date Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Location Hotel de Zeeuwse Stromen, Renesse.

October 18 – 20, 2023. All participants are obliged to stay all three days of the retreat.

Hotel de Zeeuwse Stromen, Renesse.

Costs and registration

Free of charge for all OOA-registered PhD students. 

Register here: Onderzoekschool Oncologie Amsterdam (
