The CRISPR Platform hosts its own website. For the latest developments in the CRISPR field and updates on (inter)national conferences, lectures or courses go to:
As of November 15, 2020, Rodrigo Leite de Oliveira (PharmD, PhD) has started as the new CCA and Amsterdam UMC CRISPR Platform officer. Rodrigo is a former EMBO fellow who has been working on functional cancer genomics with René Bernards (Netherlands Cancer Institute). Rodrigo will be supporting different CRISPR projects, such as improvement of precise gene editing techniques and the implementation of dedicated human and mouse CRISPR gRNA libraries for rapid screens. As soon as the COVID-19 pandemic permits, you will find Rodrigo either at AMC (Louis Vermeulen lab) or VUmc (Oncogenetics, Rob Wolthuis lab). Rodrigo’s appointment is co-financed by the CCA and the Amsterdam UMC Innovation Fund. Questions about CRISPR platform support can be directed at