Fueling T Cells: Immunometabolic Checkpoints in Cancer and Inflammation
Jeffrey Rathmell will kick off the new AII seminar series with the Cancer Immunology seminar on September 7 at 16 hrs, online. He received his PhD at Stanford University, followed by postdoctoral work at Universities of Chicago and Pennsylvania.
Jeffrey Rathmell can be considered a pioneer in the field of T cell immunometabolism. From around the year 2000 he has worked on the role of CD28 and cytokines in regulating glucose metabolism in T cells. Currently at VanderBilt University in Nashville, his group studies both immunologic and cancer metabolism, aiming to identify mechanisms by which cell metabolism modulates inflammatory diseases and anti-tumor immunity as well as growth and proliferation of cancer cells.
Host: Eric Eldering
Zoom link: https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/84808901223
Meeting ID: 848 0890 1223