Arnon Kater and colleagues investigated a combination of targeted agents for patients with relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The conclusion of their study was that the combination of Venetoclax and Rituximab is more effective and had a lower toxicity in all risk-groups of relapsed CLL. Based on these results, Kater is convinced that the combination of Venetoclax and Rituximab should be the number one choice of treatment for patients with relapsed CLL.

The results of this study were published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology:
Venetoclax Plus Rituximab in Relapsed Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: 4-Year Results and Evaluation of Impact of Genomic Complexity and Gene Mutations from the MURANO Phase III Study.

RTL News published an interview (in Dutch) with a CLL patient who has been successfully treated with the new combination therapy:
"Geen chemo, wel kankervrij: Happy (75) gered door nieuwe behandeling" (No chemo, but free from cancer: Happy (75) saved by new treatment). You can read the interview online in Dutch. 

Amsterdam UMC published this successfull story on their website: