Thanks to a Rubicon funding from NWO/ZonMw, Alicia Furumaya will soon leave for Paris to research aggressive liver cancer.

The Rubicon program is designed to give young, promising scientists the opportunity to gain international research experience. Fifteen researchers managed to win the grant this year, including Alicia Furumaya of Cancer Center Amsterdam. She is leaving for two years to Sorbonne Université in Paris where she will conduct research on aggressive liver cancer.

To better understand aggressive liver cancer and improve treatment, she will study tumor tissue from aggressive tumors (worsened despite surgery or chemotherapy). TTo do so, she employs several techniques, including analysis of proteins and genes, and studying the cells that make up the cancer and the area around it.

Young AGEM member Alicia Furumaya

Very happy to have been awarded a Rubicon-grant by the Dutch Research Council (NWO)/ZonMw: Wetenschap voor de gezondheidszorg to conduct research on aggressive liver cancer at the Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers in Paris, France, for the next two years. I am looking forward to embark on this adventure!"
Alicia Furumaya

Translated from: Onderzoek naar agressieve leverkanker dankzij Rubicon-beurs

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