Cancer Center Amsterdam
Fernando Dias Goncalves Lima Affiliatie UvA CCA - Imaging and biomarkers MD-PhD, Dermatology Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School
Chris Dickhoff DR. Affiliatie VU Contract PhD Candidate, CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life Medical Specialist, CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life Medical Specialist, CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Medical Specialist, Cardiothoracic Surgery Medical Specialist, Surgery
Edith Dieleman DRS. Medical Specialist, CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life Medical Specialist, Radiotherapy Medical Specialist, Radiotherapy
Susan van Dieren APH - Methodology Affiliatie UvA Affiliatie VU Research Associate, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism Research Associate, CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life Research Associate, Surgery Research Associate, Surgery
Frederike Dijk DR. Research Associate, AII - Immunology Research Associate, CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Research Associate, CCA - Imaging and biomarkers Research Associate, Pathology
Irma van Dijk PhD Affiliatie UvA Research Associate, CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life Research Associate, CCA - Imaging and biomarkers Research Associate, Radiotherapy
Sven van Dijk Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism Standard PhD Candidate, CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life Other Academic Staff, Surgery
Els Nieveen van Dijkum Medical Specialist, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism Medical Specialist, Cancer Center Amsterdam Full Professor, Surgery
Mark Dings Affiliatie UvA CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School
Jasmijn van Doesburg Affiliatie UvA Affiliatie VU CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life Other Academic Staff, IOO Research Associate, Surgery