Cancer Center Amsterdam
Julia Driessen BSc Affiliatie UvA MD-PhD, CCA - Cancer biology and immunology MD-PhD, CCA - Imaging and biomarkers Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School
Carolien Duetz Affiliatie VU CCA - Cancer biology and immunology External PhD Candidate, Hematology laboratory
Floor Duijkers DR. Affiliatie UvA Cancer Center Amsterdam Cancer Center Amsterdam Medical Specialist, Human genetics
Jan Willem Duitman PhD Assistant Professor, 01 Internal and External Specialisms Research Associate, AII - Immunology Affiliatie UvA Research Associate, CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Research Associate, CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Research Associate, Center of Experimental and Molecular Medicine Assistant Professor, PulmonologyPI
Katya Duvivier Medical Specialist, AII - Immunology Medical Specialist, CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Medical Specialist, Radiology and nuclear medicine