Cancer Center Amsterdam
Yannouck van Lier Standard PhD Candidate, AII - Immunology Affiliatie UvA Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism Standard PhD Candidate, CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School
Annabel van Lieshout DRS.DRS. Cancer Center Amsterdam Research Associate, Surgery
Myra van Linde DRS. Medical Specialist, CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life Medical Specialist, Internal medicine Medical Specialist, Medical oncology
Pieter Lindenbergh MSC. CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Visiting Fellow, Hematology laboratory
Janneke Linnekamp MD Standard PhD Candidate, AII - Immunology Standard PhD Candidate, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism Standard PhD Candidate, CCA - Cancer biology and immunology
Jasmijn Linssen Affiliatie UvA CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life CCA - Cancer biology and immunology MD-PhD, Center of Experimental and Molecular Medicine Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School
Klaas de Lint Cancer Center Amsterdam External PhD Candidate, Human genetics
Daniel Lionarons Affiliatie UvA Other Academic Staff, CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life Other Academic Staff, CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Research Associate, Center of Experimental and Molecular Medicine Other Academic Staff, Oncology
Dajia Liu Affiliatie UvA CCA - Cancer biology and immunology CCA - Imaging and biomarkers Other Academic Staff, Center of Experimental and Molecular Medicine Standard PhD Candidate, Doctoral School
Daan Loke Standard PhD Candidate, AII - Immunology Standard PhD Candidate, CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life Standard PhD Candidate, CCA - Cancer biology and immunology Standard PhD Candidate, CCA - Imaging and biomarkers