We have assembled an Editorial Board with professionals from both research and clinical care to help direct newsworthy items to the newsletter.
If you have any news to share related to cancer care or research, like a publication, new treatment or research outcome, please update us or any member of the Editorial Board.
Want to join our Editorial Board? Yes, please! You are most welcome. Email us.
Editorial Board Members are:
- Thomas Stoop, dept. of Surgery (t.f.stoop@amsterdamumc.nl)
- Olivier Gurney-Champion, dept. of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine (o.j.gurney-champion@amsterdamumc.nl)
- Maaike Schuur, Brain Tumor Center Amsterdam (m.schuur@amsterdamumc.nl)
- Maria Themeli, dept. of Hematology (m.themeli@amsterdamumc.nl)
- Sanne Bootsma, Center of Experimental Molecular Medicine (s.j.bootsma@amsterdamumc.nl)
- Lenka Boyd, dept. of Surgery (l.boyd@amsterdamumc.nl)
- Eveline Li, dept. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology (r.li@amsterdamumc.nl)
- Margot Bleeker, dept. of Radiation Oncology (m.bleeker@amsterdamumc.nl)
- Tom van den Ende, dept. of Medical Oncology (t.vandenende@amsterdamumc.nl)
- Willem Wisgerhof, dept. of Medical Oncology (Medonc-trialbureau@amsterdamumc.nl)
- Kaz Groen, dept. of Hematology (k.groen1@amsterdamumc.nl)