What is expected of early-career researchers

While good mentorship helps early-career researchers to fully benefit from their research work, they also have responsibilities regarding the relationship with their supervisor, their team members, research participants and their work.

Attitude and communication

To achieve optimal scientific results and work in a stimulating environment, the early-career researcher also needs to show a positive attitude and communicate in a constructive way.

The early-career researcher:

  • Treats his/her supervisor and colleagues respectfully.
  • Is transparent about the work in every respect.
  • Is open about his/her uncertainties, dilemmas and possible errors.
  • Is open for feedback.
  • Is accountable towards his/her supervisor.
  • Is open to further learning and development of research skills.
  • Gives feedback to his/her supervisor in a constructive manner.
  • Can (critically) reflect on his/her behavior and work as a researcher.
  • Participates in scientific discussions and the public debate.

Organizing the work

Early-career researchers should work effectively in the process of planning, implementing and evaluating the different aspects of the research. They organize their research adequately within the applicable financial and qualitative frameworks.

The early-career researcher:

  • Takes responsibility and follows instructions regarding the design and execution of the research.
  • Follows instructions regarding work organization, including working hours and presence on site
  • (as long as these are within the boundaries of the work contract, legal restrictions and personal safety).
  • Seeks and utilizes best practice information and expertise.
  • Plans the research adequately.
  • Carefully performs and documents all aspects of the research project.
  • Promptly tells the supervisor if the planning or other aspects of the work are proving difficult to realize.
  • Adheres to agreements and appointments.
  • Ensures that his/her knowledge of theory and methodology are up to date.
  • Is aware of research integrity standards and other regulations pertaining to the research project.
  • Is a constructive research team member, i.e. supports colleagues when needed and communicates respectfully.
  • Shows proper behavior and respect when interacting with research participants or handling animals.

The PhD trajectory

While the supervisor has overall responsibility for a PhD trajectory and specific duties relating to this role, the PhD candidate also has specific responsibilities regarding the PhD program. Regulations for obtaining a PhD are given for Amsterdam UMC locations AMC and VUmc on the website of the Doctoral School, and in the doctorate regulations of the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.