
quality of life, lung cancer, PROMS, personalised medicine, PET-CT

Focus of research

The quality of life and survival of patients with (advanced) lung cancer remain poor despite promising new treatments. In my current, almost finished, prospective randomised controlled trial (SYMPRO-study) try to determine whether symptom monitoring with PRO measurement using a web-application improves Health related quality of life (HRQL), OS and health service outcomes among lung cancer patients in the Netherlands. First results show this is a positive trial.

My second trial financed by ZorgInstituutNederland (Veelbelovende Zorg) is in cooperation with Radboud UMC. Hardly any international evidence exist on how to follow-up patients after curative treatment in locally advanced lung cancer. The hypothesis of this study is that 18F FDG PET scan - in addition to the usual CT scan- improves early detection of recurrences and thereby increases earlier treatment, health-related quality of life and overall survival. A multicenter randomised controlled trial will start in July 2023 and is endorsed by the NVALT.