
Bladder cancer

Prostate cancer diagnostics

Focus of research

Bladder Cancer

In diagnosing bladder cancer, histological confirmation of disease stage and grade are nessecary to provide a proper treatment plan. But taking these biopsies has to be done by surgery. We explore the possiblity to use a flexible Confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE) probe.

Another project in the same field is investigating a flexible foreward-looking Optical Coherence Tomography probe, in a research project with a start-up firm that developed the probe, together with the dept of BMEP.


Prostate cancer

As a project leader on the PCaVision study, I lead a team that runs a national multicenter study on the use of a newely developed algorithm bases on ultrasound parameters of the prostate to detect prostate cancer areas. We developed the algoritm togheter with te TU/E and a start up company (Angiogenesis analytics).  We are currently starting up a European trial to compare the algorithm to routine prostate cancer detection using MRI in different european countries.