
Medical Psychology / Medical communication

Focus of research

Marij Hillen is an associate professor, Principal Educator, VENI and VIDI recipient at Amsterdam UMC. She researches provider-patient interaction with the aim to enhance complex communication and the relation between patients and their physicians. The focus of her research line is on patient-physician trust and uncertainty in medicine.

Marij obtained over €2.800.000,- in research grants, of which over €1.350.000,- through personal fellowships. She authored over 65 international peer-reviewed publications. She has successfully supervised and currently supervises multiple PhD, masters’ and bachelors’ students. Additionally, she heads and/or contributes to leading national and international professional associations within her research field. Marij is associate editor for Patient Education and Counseling, journal of the International Association for Communication in Healthcare.

Marij's research work has resulted in guidance and training in for healthcare professionals regarding communication with patients. In her role as Principal Educator, Marij develops and implements communication skills training for healthcare professionals in medical education, residency and beyond.