
Anaesthesiology, especially neuroanaesthesiology with a focus on cerbral blood flow regulation.

Environmental sustainability in healthcare, with a focus on Green Operating Rooms


Focus of research

My research interests lie at the intersection of healthcare and environmental sustainability. As a staff anaesthesiologist, I am particularly focused on reducing the environmental impact of anaesthetic practices, leading efforts to phase out the use of volatile (gaseous) anaesthetics both in the Netherlands and internationally.

Beyond clinical practice, I founded and currently direct the Amsterdam UMC Centre for Sustainable Healthcare. Here, I’m dedicated to bridging research and implementation to drive sustainable change within healthcare. My work involves supporting over 65 Green Teams, fostering a vibrant community of more than 4,000 engaged employees, and guiding a diverse team that includes PhD students, post-docs, and experts in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Health Technology Assessment (HTA).

Additionally, I represent the Faculty of Medicine in UvA Seven, the University of Amsterdam’s climate initiative, where I work on applying systems transformation to promote climate action and resilience.

My research is deeply collaborative, and I actively partner with companies, governments, NGOs, and healthcare professionals in multidisciplinary initiatives aimed at achieving sustainability transitions in healthcare. As of 2024, I supervise 6 PhD Students and 3 Post-Docs in their work.