Theme Rights and interests of future generations
Target audience researchers, teachers, policymakers, artists
Language English


The world we inhabit is a product of our ancestors' contributions, and we hold the power to shape the world for those who will come after us. This pivotal moment in history presents a choice: perpetuate crises or build a better, more compassionate, and sustainable future. During the academic year 23/24, the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) (UvA) will host a series of conversations to explore our responsibilities towards future generations from different perspectives, including the philosophical, legal, biomedical, economic, environmental and social perspective.  

Invited speakers of the launch event include: 

  • Sir Peter Gluckman (President of the International Science Council);
  • Jan van deVenis (Acting Ombudsman for Future Generations);
  • Prof.dr. Jet Bussemaker (Prof. of Policy, Science, and Societal Impact; former Minister of Education, Culture, and Science of The Netherlands);
  • Prof.dr. Peter-Paul Verbeek (Rector of the University of Amsterdam; Chairman UNESCO Commission of Science and Technology).

Date and Location

Time From 12:00 to 17:00
Start date Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Location Nina van Leerzaal (UvA)

Costs and registration

Register for the launch event by filling in this form


For more information on the launch event visit this page