
During this webinar Young TPI will provide insight on what systematic reviews are and how they work. You will have a chance to ask all questions you may have about systematic reviews to experts. So, whether you are a student looking to complete your internship report/thesis, a researcher writing a grant proposal or a young professional looking to start a new project, this webinar is for you!

Why focus on systematic reviews? We believe they play a crucial role in the transition because they help researchers collect and analyze existing data without first having to use animal models. They highlight main research methodologies and experimental techniques, enabling research to identify data gaps and data points. The focus is on refinement and replacement from the 3Rs triangle.

Date and Location

Time From 16:00 to 17:15
Start date Friday, February 24, 2023
Location Online

Costs and registration

Interested in signing up for the webinar? Register using this link.


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