Theme Exploring Deep Fascia Properties
Target audience AMS members and other interested parties
Language English


Dr. Shun Otsuka (Department of Anatomy, Aichi Medical University) and Prof. Yasuo Kawakami (Waseda University) will in early September pay a visit to the department of Human Movement Sciences at VU Amsterdam.

Shun will give a presentation on Exploring Deep Fascia Properties: Insights from Human In vivo, Cadaveric, and Animal Studies

Abstract: The deep fascia envelops and connects with all lower leg muscles through loose and dense connective tissues. These connections permit the forces generated by muscle contractions to be transmitted to the neighboring tissues. Our research hypothesis is that the deep fascia would exhibit morphological and mechanical properties according to the characteristics of the neighboring muscles. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that the deep fascia exhibits site-dependent and anisotropic stiffness. The association between deep fascia thickness and underlying muscle size has also been demonstrated. We will present the data suggesting the plasticity of the deep fascia through the human cadaveric and in vivo measurement and recent animal experiment.

All AMS members and other interested parties are warmly invited to join this talk! Feel free to forward this invitation to others that could be interested.

Date and Location

Time From 11:00 to 12:00
Duration 60 minutes
Start date Thursday, September 5, 2024
Location Room D218 | MF building | VU Campus.

Costs and registration

Free of charge.
