Target audience AMS members and other interested parties
Language English


You are warmly invited to join the next Prevention and Rehabilitation Colloquium on March 28 starting at 16:00 hrs. Professor Hidde van der Ploeg (Amsterdam UMC) will give a talk on the topic of physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour.

The Colloquium will be held in room A307 | MF building | VU Amsterdam, and is followed by a reception.

Speaker: Professor Hidde van der Ploeg.

Topic of presentation

Physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour are major public health problems. This presentation focusses on 1) the differences and interrelationship between sedentary behaviour and physical activity; 2) the WHO physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines and the epidemiological evidence underlying these guidelines; and 3) interventions on how to improve these behaviours.

Professor dr. Hidde van der Ploeg is appointed at the Department of Public and Occupational Health of Amsterdam UMC. He holds a PhD (2006) and degrees in Epidemiology and Human Movement Science, all from VU Amsterdam. He chairs the section Health Behaviour & Prevention in the Department of Public and Occupational Health, and co-chairs the Health Behaviors & Chronic Disease research program in the Amsterdam Public Health research institute.

His main research expertise is in physical activity and sedentary behaviours in relation to public and occupational health. His main focusses are on 1) physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions, 2) epidemiology of physical activity and sedentary behaviour, 3) measurement and surveillance of physical activity and sedentary behaviours.

Date and Location

Start date Thursday, March 28, 2024
Location Room A307 | MF building | VU Amsterdam

Costs and registration

No advance registration / costs.

