Theme The influence of immunology on pain, movement and behaviour. A missing link?
Target audience All interested parties are welcome to join
Language Dutch


You are warmly invited to this Capita Selecta lecture organised by the MSG Science Netwerk Fysiotherapie.

Recent research indicates the importance of the relationship between immunology, the musculoskeletal system and behavior and is regularly in the news, such as the results of research into long-COVID patients. At this MSG symposium, Prof. Jo Nijs will discuss the (im)possibilities and therapeutic targets based on psycho-neuro-immunological research. A/Prof dr. Femke Lamers will then give a presentation about the relationship between depression and the immune system. After the break during which you can view the posters, Ivo Lutke Schipholt, MSc will discuss systemic inflammation, discussing recent results from an RCT on the mechanisms of action of joint mobilization / manipulation. In the closing presentation, A/Prof dr. Rob Wüst will tell you more about the relationship between exercise and the immune system, especially in long-COVID patients.

Enough content to shed light on this subject from different disciplines and have a discussion about it.

    Note: the lecture is in Dutch!

    Feel free to share the invite with other interested parties.

    Date and Location

    Time From 12:00 to 17:00
    Start date Friday, April 5, 2024
    Location Auditorium | Main building | VU Amsterdam

    Costs and registration

