Theme Symposium in connection with the retirement of professor dr. Frans Nollet
Target audience AMS members and other interested parties


Ahead of the valedictory lecture titled Rehabilitation, a master word in medicine?' given by professor dr. Frans Nollet, there will be a symposium that will highlight the recent developments and innovations within the field of rehabilitation medicine. The symposium is from 10:30 - 14:30 hrs and is followed by the valedictory lecture at 16:30 hrs. Please note: advance registration via the link below!


  • 10.00 tot 10.30 Ontvangst
  • 10.30 tot 10.40 Opening prof. dr. Sicco Bus & dr. Merel Brehm (dagvoorzitters)
  • 10.40 tot 11.05 Prof. dr. Ir. Jaap Harlaar - De weg naar precisie orthesiologie - een huwelijk tussen kliniek en biomechanica.
  • 11.05 tot 11.30 Prof. dr. Hans Rietman - Technologische ontwikkelingen in de revalidatiegeneeskunde; de rol van orphan devices
  • 11.30 tot 11.55 Dr. Jos de Koning - Innovaties en technologische ontwikkelingen in de schaatssport
  • 11.55 tot 12.05 Theo Martens - ‘Samen verder’
  • 12.05 tot 13.00 Lunch
  • 13.00 tot 13.20 Prof. dr. Richard Jaspers - Adaptatie van skeletspieren in gezondheid en ziekte: een translationele aanpak binnen AMS
  • 13.20 tot 13.40 Dr. Erwin Duizer - ‘36 jaar polio eradicatie: bijna klaar’?
  • 13.40 tot 14.10 Prof. dr. Marianne de Visser en dr. Fieke Koopman - Van Pionieren naar Postpolio Expertisecentrum
  • 14.10 tot 14.20 Afsluiting

    For additional information about the valedictory lecture, please visit the UvA website

    In addition to holding a full chair in rehabilitation medicine, professor Nollet was scientific director of Amsterdam Movement Sciences in the period 2016 - 2020.

    Date and Location

    Start date Friday, June 28, 2024
    Location Lecture hall 5 | Amsterdam UMC | location AMC | Meibergdreef 9 | Amsterdam

    Costs and registration

    Afscheidscollege Frans Nollet ( The symplosium is free of charge, but please note the advance registration.


    Questions? Please contact