We have compiled an impressive list of upcoming academic prizes, awards, or memberships for talented researchers across various career stages and expertise domains. Are you aware of any gifted individuals deserving of recognition through the following awards? Kindly submit your nominations to rs-nominaties@amsterdamumc.nl with the e-mailaddress of your research institute(s) in CC.

Academic prizes, awards, or memberships:

1 KNAW membership

Scientific excellence is the main criterion. Additionally, e.g. performance in the field of education and impact, and the degree of expected involvement in the Academy's forum and advisory function play a role too. Read more.

2 NWO Spinoza premium

Highest award for a researcher in The Netherlands conducting outstanding and pioneering research, with a great reputation, and who are internationally seen as the top leaders in their field and an inspiration for early career researchers. Read more.

3 NWO Stevin premium

Highest award for a researcher in The Netherlands who has achieved exceptional success in knowledge utilisation for society, which has led to innovative applications, ideas and networks in practice, in which the researcher played a crucial role. Read more.

4 Balzan Prize

An international award recognizing outstanding achievements in humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and peace efforts. The prize aims to promote culture, science, and humanitarian initiatives, with winners receiving a substantial monetary award, part of which must be allocated to research projects. Read more.

5 Wolf Prize

The acclaimed Wolf Prize is awarded to outstanding scientists and artists from around the world, for achievements in the interest of humanity and friendly relations among people. It is considered one of the most prestigious awards, with the science categories often seen as a precursor to the Nobel Prize. Read more.

6 KNAW Akademiepenning

The Academy Medal is awarded every two years to a person who has made a great contribution to (the flourishing of) science in the Netherlands in the broadest sense. Read more.

7 Ammodo Science Award for groundbreaking research

To stimulate potentially groundbreaking research. Such research is usually the result of team work, and for that reason this Award is for research being carried out by a group of researchers working together, and is intended to recognise the contribution of every member of the group. Note: next round of nominations in 2025. Read more.

8 Huibregtsen prize

Awards a recent research project that combines scientific quality and innovation with a special social added value. Read more.

9 Dr. Paul Janssen Award

Awards the most passionate and creative scientist or group of scientists in basic or clinical research, whose achievements have made or have strong potential to make a measurable impact on human health. Read more.

10 Keio Medical Science prize

Gives recognition to the outstanding and creative achievements of researchers, in particular those contributing to scientific developments in medicine. It aims to promote worldwide advances in medicine and life sciences, to encourage the expansion of researcher networks throughout the world, and to contribute to the well-being of humankind. Read more.

11 NIAS Lorentz Fellowship (DNLF)

This Fellowship is awarded to scholars bridging humanities/social sciences with natural sciences, offering a research stay at NIAS and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. Read more.

12 VNVA Corrie Hermann prize

Awarded by the Dutch Association of Women Physicians (VNVA) to a female doctor who has made outstanding contributions to healthcare, medical science, or women's health, honoring leadership and innovation. Read more.

13 KNAW de Jonge Akademie

A dynamic platform of young top scientists in the Netherlands, fostering interdisciplinary research, science policy, and public engagement, under the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Read more.

14 Amsterdam Young Academy

A network of young researchers from Amsterdam’s universities, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, academic policy engagement, and public outreach in science. Read more.

15 Ammodo Science Award for fundamental research

Honors outstanding mid-career researchers in the Netherlands who advance science through innovative, fundamental research in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Read more.

16 KNAW Early Career Award

This award recognizes promising young researchers in the Netherlands across all disciplines who have demonstrated outstanding achievements and innovative ideas, supporting their scientific development and encouraging interdisciplinary research. Read more.

17 Beijerinck premium

Awarded by the KNAW, recognizes talented early-career virologists in the Netherlands for outstanding research in virology. It encourages scientific excellence and innovation in the field, honoring the legacy of Martinus Beijerinck, a pioneer in microbiology. Read more.

18 New Scientist wetenschapstalent

To recognize outstanding young researchers in the Netherlands and Flanders who make significant scientific contributions and effectively communicate their work to a broad audience, promoting public engagement with science. Read more.

19 Prix Galien Research Award

To honor outstanding biomedical research that advances the development of innovative therapies or medical technologies. It is one of the most prestigious awards in pharmaceutical and medical research, recognizing groundbreaking contributions to healthcare. Read more.

20 European Young Researchers Award

To recognize outstanding early-career researchers in Europe who demonstrate excellence in scientific research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and societal impact, promoting innovative and responsible research practices. Read more.

21 KNAW Faces of Science

To showcase young researchers in the Netherlands, giving the public insight into their work and daily lives. It aims to inspire students by making science more accessible and highlighting diverse career paths in research. Read more.


How does the process work? Fill out the form below to propose a candidate and send it to rs-nominaties@amsterdamumc.nl, with the e-mailaddress of your research institute(s) in CC.

Email addresses research institutes

Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences (ACS) -  acs@amsterdamumc.nl.
Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism (AGEM) - agem@amsterdamumc.nl
Amsterdam institute for Immunology and Infectious diseases (AI&I) - aii@amsterdamumc.nl
Amsterdam Movement Sciences (AMS) - ams@vu.nl
Amsterdam Neuroscience (ANS) - neuroscience@amsterdamumc.nl
Amsterdam Public Health (APH) - aph@amsterdamumc.nl
Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D) - ARandD@amsterdamumc.nl
Cancer Center Amsterdam (CCA) - cca@amsterdamumc.nl

When is the deadline? Please submit via email before February 26th 2025.

Inquiries? Feel free to ask your research institute.