Types of research misconduct

The VSNU Code of Conduct for Research Integrity describes research integrity and misconduct. Research misconduct may take many forms. The clearest and most serious forms of misconduct, as defined in the VSNU Code, are:

  1. Fabrication – making up data or results and documenting them as if they were real.
  2. Falsification – manipulating research material, apparatus or processes to change, withhold or omit data or research results without justification.
  3. Plagiarism – appropriating other people’s ideas, methods, results or texts without giving proper credit.

The VSNU Code lists 61 standards of research integrity. Violations of these standards are not necessarily criminal or malicious acts: they may be subtle failings that could apply to any researcher. Indeed, all researchers should be alert to the risk of questionable research practices (QRPs) and vigilant about avoiding them. The standards formulated in the VSNU Code lay the basis for judging the integrity of research conduct and determining sanctions for misconduct.

Examples of misconduct include: