The first phase in the Research Roadmap is "Design & Preparation". It starts with forming a hypothesis, setting up a research protocol, obtaining funding, organising facilities, resources and study-specific requirements, preparing documents and submitting for review/authorisation, where applicable.

  • Feasibility
    Feasibility Before fully setting out your research plan, it’s advisable to conduct a feasibility analysis to get a realistic picture of your research plans chances of success (budget/staff/proposal).
  • Preparation study documentation
    Preparation study documentation The next step is to organize and prepare study documentation, depending on the type of your study, following the applicable laws, regulations and internal procedures (agreements/data collection/privacy/planning/protocol).
  • Submitting & review procedure
    Submitting & review procedure Before you can actually start conducting your research, a number of parties might need to approve your research file. To complete your research file a number of steps must be followed.