Amsterdam UMC is brimming with great ideas for sustainability. However, due to a lack of time and money, these ideas sometimes do not progress beyond the conceptual stage. A pity, according to the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare. To get sustainability projects off the ground, the Green Fund has been established. You can submit your project proposal for funding until Sunday, September 8th.

For researchers, it is important to note that the fund is not aimed to fund research itself. However, as a researcher you could contribute to a practical sustainability project with your specific expertise, for instance as part of a Green Team. Or by greening research methods. For instance by introducing animal-free products in your lab and writing a new way of working for your department). The Green Fund is a temporary boost for sustainability projects, events, or campaigns. A total of 150,000 euros is available for this year. After the temporary funding, the aim is for the project to become self-sustaining and, where possible, be incorporated into daily work. View here all the conditions and information about the application and selection process.


Green Team Coordinator Lonneke Michiels: “Fortunately, it’s not necessary to submit lengthy documents. A concise project description, an explanation of the sustainability benefits, and a budget are sufficient. This way, we hope to keep the application threshold as low as possible.” Is it too early for your department to submit a project proposal? Don't worry, new subsidy rounds of the Green Fund will follow in 2025 and 2026.

Example Projects

Many different types of projects are eligible for the Green Fund. Sustainability is needed and possible throughout the organization. For example, consider replacing a disposable item in your department with a reusable one. Or perhaps you can make certain processes more sustainable. The fund can also be used for the hours you or an external expert spend on a project. Additionally, you can apply for funding to organize an event or campaign to promote sustainable behavior among staff, patients, or visitors.

For whom?

The Green Fund is primarily aimed at Green Teams of Amsterdam UMC. With their knowledge and experience, they know how to make an impact with sustainability projects. However, even if you are not a member of a Green Team, you can still submit a project proposal. First, check if there is an active Green Team in your department. You may be able to collaborate.

The deadline for submission is Sunday September 8, 2024.

Online Information Sessions

Do you have questions or want more information about the Green Fund? Join one of the online Q&A sessions.

During these sessions, the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare will discuss the criteria for participating in the Green Fund, and there will be ample time for questions. The information sessions will take place via Teams on the following days:

  • Tuesday, August 6, from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday, August 13, from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM

Register here

If you are unable to attend one of the sessions or have a question now, feel free to contact

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