Theme PostDoc Retreat
Target audience ACS researchers
Language English

Date and Location

Start date Thursday, June 8, 2023
Location House of Bird, Diemerbos

Dear ACS post-doctoral community,

we are pleased to invite you to the yearly ACS post-doctoral retreat! It will take place on June 8th, 2023 at House of Bird in Diemerbos. The event will include workshops, social activities and great food! Please find the preliminary schedule below. More information about the program will be circulated later.

Please sign up before May 15. If you have signed up and cannot join anymore, please let us know ASAP! We are looking forward to an excellent day of important workshops and networking possibilities.

If you have any questions, please feel free to approach us!

Best regards,

The organizing committee

Tyler Kirby, Marten Hoeksema, Camiel de Roij van Zuijdewijn, Nick van Es or

Sign up here: sign up form

11:30-12:00 Introduction/Welcome

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:00 Workshop 1 Superb supervision (Dealing with stress) with Ellis Vyth

14:00-14:15 Break

14:15-15:00 Workshop 1 Superb supervision (Boosting self confidence) with Ellis Vyth

15:00-16:00 Social activity

16:00-17:00 Workshop 2: Alternative career paths, invited guest: Clarissa Koch - Leyden Labs - VP Research

17:00-18:00 Beer tasting 

18:00-end    Dinner

Costs and registration
