Internal grants ACS

  • Overview ACS grants
    Overview ACS grants Here you find an overview and time line of the internal ACS grants.
  • ACS Thesis app
    ACS Thesis app The ACS Thesis App bundles ACS PhD theses and makes your PhD thesis more interactive, accessible and sustainable.
  • ACS Nursing Research Grant
    ACS Nursing Research Grant The Nursing Research grant is aimed at nurses who are interested in preparing a PhD trajectory in the cardiovascular field in combination with clinical duties as a nurse.
  • ACS MD/PhD Grant
    ACS MD/PhD Grant The MD/PhD grant is aimed at continuing research to become a good clinical investigator along with obtaining a medical specialization.
  • ACS Postdoc Grant
    ACS Postdoc Grant The Postdoc grant provides excellent young basic science PhD graduates the opportunity to obtain postdoc experience in a prestigious research center abroad.
  • ACS Out of the Box Grant
    ACS Out of the Box Grant The Out of the Box grant aims to stimulate new collaborations between Amsterdam UMC researchers and strengthen future grant applications.
  • ACS Equipment Grant
    ACS Equipment Grant The ACS Equipment grant is available for equipment costs of new techniques.
  • Financial support for organizing conferences
    Financial support for organizing conferences Financial support from ACS for Principal Investigators who organize a conference in the field of cardiovascular research.