In 2024, budget is available for equipment that costs over €12.000 (including VAT). The maximum amount that can be requested from ACS is €25.000 (including

The budget can be spent on new techniques, which will add to the expertise within ACS, and thus does not involve equipment which is already present at Amsterdam UMC. All departments of VUmc location participating in ACS are entitled to submit an application. However, participation of location AMC scientists in the application is obligatory.

Procedure 2024

The 2024 call for ACS Equipment applications is now open!

You can submit your application using the ACS Equipment Application Form 2023 (see link below) before the deadline of September 5th 2024, 11:00AM to

Only applications that are eligible, complete,in the correct format and submitted before the deadline will be considered.

  1. Please read the rules and regulations for application carefully (see below). Only applications that are in line with the rules and regulations can be awarded.

  2. The ACS directorate will decide, in consultation with the ACS program leaders, which applications will be granted.  

      Rules and regulations 2024

      • The application can be used to get a new apparatus, or an extension of existing apparatus to improve the possibilities or measurements. Standard, non-innovative lab equipment (like freezers) cannot be awarded.
      • Only applications with a value above €12.000 (including VAT) can be financed with this grant. The maximum amount that can be requested from ACS is €25.000 (including VAT).
      • The budget is location VUmc budget and equipment needs to be bought in 2023 from VUmc departments participating in ACS and used in locations VUmc/AMC.
      • Each application should be supported by more than one department in VUmc/AMC. Applications in which three or more departments collaborate will receive priority.
      • Matching by the involved departments is obligatory (min. 25%).
      • Equipment should be available to all ACS researchers.
      • The apparatus needs to be used for research for more than 80% of the time.