Theme Metabolism
Target audience Researchers
Language English


Each year, the AGEM research institute organizes a seminar series focused on metabolism: the Tager Lectures. These lectures are named after Professor Joseph Tager, who made important contributions to Fabry, Pompe and Gaucher disease and had a major impact on our understanding of peroxisomal diseases. He was chairman of the Biochemistry Department at the University of Amsterdam (1980-1991).

On Thursday March 7, the Tager seminar series will continue with a new lecture & master class by PD Dr. Sean Froese, Head of Research, Division of Metabolism, University Children’s Hospital, Zurich. Sean Froese is also a Principal Investigator, his group studies inherited metabolic disorders, in particular those that affect folate and vitamin B12 metabolism. Their vision is to understand disease pathomechanisms, identify new therapeutic targets, and meaningfully impact therapies for rare diseases with unmet need.


Start End Event Location (AMC)
9:30 11:30 Master class Fonteynzaal
13:00 14:00 Tager lecture B0-133

Master class

Before the Tager lecture, we will organize a master class with Dr. Froese. If you are interested in (inherited) metabolic diseases, in folate or vitamine B12, or more generally in career development of a translational researcher, please submit the title and short summary of your project before February 27th through We will select 4-5 PhD candidates/postdocs to present their work on March 7, between 9.30-11.30h.

Tager Lecture

Inborn disorders of folate and vitamin B12 metabolism - causes, consequences and the push for novel treatments

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) and B9 (folate) are essential molecules for human life. However, both compounds require a series of absorption, transport and modification steps to be functional. In this lecture, Dr. Froese will discuss how these vitamins are processed in the human body, how they contribute to essential metabolic pathways, and the impact of their (nutritional or) genetic deficiencies. Using recent examples, he will also discuss the impact of multi-omic technologies in improving diagnosis and treatments for related disorders.

Take a look at his publications

Date and Location

Time From 9:30 to 14:00
Start date Thursday, March 7, 2024
Location Fonteynzaal (master class), B0-133 (Tager lecture)
Coffee, tea and a little snack included during during both events.

Costs and registration

Free of charge and registration not needed. However, if you would like to join the master class, please send the title and a short summary of your project to
