Please find here AGEM publications with the AGEM affiliation, guidelines to update your profile in Pure, AGEM style and templates, information for postdocs, the guidlines for affiliations, and AGEM movies.

AGEM publications

Click here for publications with the AGEM affiliation.

Personal page researcher - Pure

Since the new Amsterdam UMC research website has been launched, the personal pages of researchers (Pure) are visible. Therefore, it is now even more important to keep your profile up to date.

The quidelines on how to update your Pure profile can be downloaded here:

AGEM style and templates

The AGEM colour is burgundy red, which translates to the following colour codes:

  • RGB 174-46-61
  • HEX #ae2e3d
  • CMYK 22-95-75-12
  • HSB 353-74-68
  • Lab 41-53-24

AGEM logo

The AGEM logo consists of the new Amsterdam UMC logo, with "Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism" written below. This can be done in a compact way (examples 1 and 2), or more explicitly (example 3) to use on a poster.

AGEM templates

Please download the AGEM PowerPoint, poster and Word templates below. The poster template also includes some examples.


The Board of the Amsterdam University Medical Center kindly requests to use these affiliation addresses in the process of submitting/publishing your paper:

Location Meibergdreef

Amsterdam UMC, Univ(ersity) of Amsterdam, department(s), research institute(s)
Meibergdreef 9, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam UMC, Univ of Amsterdam, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism,  Meibergdreef 9, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Please use for PhD-theses the following sentence:
This thesis was prepared at Amsterdam UMC, Univ(ersity) of Amsterdam, at the department of XXX, within the XXX research institute, Meibergdreef 9, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Location de Boelelaan

Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, department(s), research institute(s)
de Boelelaan 1117, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Surgery, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, Cancer Center Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1117, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Please use for PhD-theses the following sentence:
This thesis was prepared at Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, at the department of XXX, within the XXX research institute, Boelelaan 1117, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

In case of limited options or address fields, please prioritize the elements ‘Amsterdam UMC’, ‘Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam’ or ‘University of Amsterdam’.

Information for Postdocs

Young AGEM

We have our own Young AGEM board, made up of four mid-career researchers. If you have any questions about your role or your possibilities within AGEM as a Young AGEM researcher, you can send an email to

PostDoc Portal Amsterdam UMC

The PostDoc Portal was created by the Amsterdam UMC Research Policy Office. This portal provides all kinds of information for researchers who have obtained their PhD and are currently working at Amsterdam UMC on a temporary contract. Handy resources are grouped on this page, such as career options, courses and grant calls! 

Postdoc Network Amsterdam UMC

Are you a Postdoc at the Amsterdam UMC, and would you like to get to know other Postdocs while attending courses and networking events? Sign up for the Amsterdam UMC Postdoc Network! This network is an association of Postdoctoral Researchers and last-year PhD students who are affiliated with AMR, AMC or VUmc. The aim of the network is to connect, support and stimulate early career researchers by organizing networking events and courses on scientific and transferable skills.