Contact informationThe institute can be contacted in multiple ways. All AGEM contact information can be found on this page.
OrganizationThe AGEM research institute is led by the AGEM office. Decisions are made together with the AGEM research board.
Research boardThe AGEM research board consists of approximately nine members, at least one representative from each of the AGEM research programs.
Annual reportsEvery year AGEM produces a new annual report. In these reports you can find our sciences impressions, best publication, grants, events and numbers and facts.
Research evaluationResearch conducted within the AGEM institute is evaluated every 6 years using the Strategy Evaluation Protocol (SEP).
CollaborationsTo promote research on gastroenterology, endocrinology and metabolism, AGEM and its researchers collaborate with various external partners.
Mission and visionThe AGEM institute aims to improve gastrointestinal, endocrine and metabolic health and reduce the burden of major illnesses that affect our society.
AGEM research databaseThis database holds information about the type of research that is done by the scientists that are affiliated with the AGEM research institute.