Theme 'Public-private partnership: a public pas-de-deux'
Target audience Principal Investigators, heads of departments, division chairmen and directors of operations and other interested employees


Media report with unavoidable regularity about the ties between scientists and industry. This turns out to be a relationship of running the gauntlet in which the reputations of scientists and organizations are at stake. Amsterdam UMC is therefore organizing a meeting about the rules – and transparency – of ancillary activities.

'Public-private partnership: a public pas-de-deux', is the title of the lecture room session on extracurricular activities that will be held on Wednesday 11 October from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm in the Amstelzaal at the VUmc location. Not a superfluous luxury with the constant media attention for relationships between scientists and healthcare providers on the one hand, and the business community on the other. This reporting always revolves around (alleged) conflicts of interest and academic independence.


To guarantee that independence and to give the public insight into those relationships, a number of rules have been established. They are about the tires themselves, and how to deal with them transparently. It turns out that things still regularly go wrong, and that has consequences for the credibility of the scientist in question and the institution at which he or she works. What exactly are the rules, and how do you properly publicize them?


The Amsterdam Research Board and the Amsterdam Valorisation Board therefore invite Principal Investigators, heads of departments, division chairmen and directors of operations and other interested employees to exchange information and experiences and to clarify and discuss Amsterdam UMC's policy. Experiences of Amsterdam UMC employees in their contact with the media are also discussed. The language during this meeting is Dutch.

15:30-15:50 hrs.: Experiences of Amsterdam UMC researchers

  • Geert d’Haens, Head of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Digestive Diseases
  • Marjolein van Egmond, Department of Surgery/Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology

15:50-16:00 hrs.: Research code - collaboration with private partners

  • Jessika van Kammen, director Research Support

16:00-16.10 hrs: Favoritism, side job register, and transparency register

  • Heleen Hogeveen, labor lawyer/organizational advisor, HR department
  • Elcke Kranendonck, lawyer, Governance Support and Legal Affairs department

16:10-16:20 hrs.: Optimal communication strategy

  • Frank van den Bosch, director Corporate communications

16:20-16:30 hrs.: Amsterdam UMC valorization, position paper 2023

  • Arjen Brussaard, Vice Dean for Valorization

16:30-17:00 hrs.: Amsterdam UMC policy and 'Ask Away' (panel discussion)

  • Hans van Goudoever, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at UvA and Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of Amsterdam UMC

17:00-18:00 hrs.: Get together with drinks

Date and Location

Time From 15:30 to 18:00
Duration 2.5 hours
Start date Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Location Amstelzaal at the VUmc location
No registration is required.