Theme How to protect your knowledge?
Target audience Researchers, PhD’s and employees supporting knowledge dissemination


Have you come up with a unique invention or innovation? Then you might need to protect it to ensure commercial control over it. But how do you protect your invention, what are the benefits of patenting and how does the university supports you in this?

Attend this workshop if you want these and other related questions to be answered.

During this workshop you will learn:
  • what Intellectual Property (IP) and what a patent is;
  • how to use it and how you can benefit from a patent;
  • who can file for a patent and how;
  • what you can do with a patent;
  • what is and what is not patentable;
  • about patenting and publishing;
  • overview of the patenting process and how IXA can support you along the way.

Date and Location

Time From 08:55 to 10:30
Duration 1:35
Start date Thursday, December 15, 2022
Location Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, room E2-166

Costs and registration

Register here.

Participation is free of charge. Registration is required, so is cancellation if you are not able to attend.


Caroline Kleine Staarman, PR Manager, IXA (Innovation Exchange Amsterdam)