Theme Data-driven health system improvement



Data-driven health system improvement

Our health care system is under pressure. Due to ageing and shortages of health care professionals we are facing challenges to provide high quality care to patient that need it. In developing solutions or implementing large scale policy changes such as the Integrated Care Agreement (IZA) we are often evaluating the impact on specific services in the healthcare system, whereas these changes impact the total health care system. Moreover, it would be very helpful to simulate the impact of solutions or policy changes in advance. In this research meeting we are highlighting some interesting new developments to support better evaluation and simulation upfront, both nationally and internationally.


Prof. dr. Sjoerd Repping, professor of appropriate care, Amsterdam Public Health research institute


Dr. Dionne Kringos, associate professor, department of public and occupational health and co-director of the Amsterdam Public Health research institute

Prof. dr. Rob van der Mei, professor of applied mathematics, VU & CWI

Prof. dr. Bianca Buurman, professor of acute geriatric care, department of internal medicine & department of older age medicine, Amsterdam Public Health research institute

Date and Location

Time From 16.00 to 17.00
Duration 1 hour
Start date Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Location MS Teams


Raiza Hasrat, MSc | Research Policy Advisor Amsterdam UMC